nienie's story
She came in not a miraculous or unexpected way.
But so anticipated, and so fulfilling that I couldn't stop saying over and over again "I'm so happy. I'm so happy."
From there I watched her slowly grow. My arms literally ached to hold her.
At 37 weeks my doctor determined that because of difficult labor history she would have me induced 10 days early in order to keep the baby smaller and easier to deliver.
So very early, on a gloomy February morning I rolled out of my warm bed and said a prayer that my body would be strong and brave and that it wouldn't fail me.
It was the most painful delivery I have had yet. But when she was placed in my shaking arms it was all forgotten.
She was so beautiful. My heart grew.
She was the baby we had prayed for for 2 years. She was the reason we had to wait.
(In the arms of her older sister.) Home. Home at last.