what i usually do
I am constantly using the same formula to create my blog posts. It requires very little time and even less intelligence. I'm on top of a million dollar idea here people.
Step One: take a picture of some poor sod
Step Two: slap picture of said sod on your "new post" page
Step Three: write an obnoxious comment that has very little to do with anything
Why stray from something that works so effectively?
This is what I tell B every time he says he's tired of doing the dishes. I love that kid. He makes me laugh.
I once caught a fish THIS BIG.
I love boats, and good looking people who sit in them.
And I love her. Man, I love her.
congratulations on taking the first profile picture of me EVER where I did not recoil in horror and revulsion.
I was totally there when Janssen bought those pink pants. That is my claim to fame.
Ohhh. That looks exotic and fun. I recently went to Smithfield. Well, actually it was like a month ago. But it was fun. I got to see cows. And smell them.
So, is that Lake Travis? And is that a receeding hairline I see on B, or is that just a really short haircut? Either way, he looks older and wiser. Oh, and my little B has the same shirt, only it's size 2T. OH--he was wearing it when you took our pics last year. Tell Wendi she can broaden her horizons and come smell the cows over here!
Your formula works for me!
I miss you in person! when are you visiting me?
I was led to this post by Bart and I have been led here several times by Janssen and now I'm just going to add you to my google reader because I love your blog!
You are an UH-Mazning photographer. I LOVE photographers and looking at their blogs. I think it's because I value nice pictures but pretty much because I have major talent envy!
I think this formula you've concocted is genius and I think I'll try to use it.
(just so you know the relation, Janssen and I met on a church history trip right after high school and then we were at BYU together) We still live in Provo with out little family.
I find myself missing Brian's big fish stories this fine, rainy Saturday morning in Boston.
P.S. That last comment, and this one, was/is Bart, accidentally logged in as his lovely wife, Janssen.
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